trees and plants

Trees, plants 
mu-guyiyadogs balls, Grewia retusifolia
mu-burpba(1) rifle; (2) lily
?-nurritja green aquatic weed
mu-jukgulAcacia holosericea. Spear wood in spring country.
gu-worrongomolohAlloteropsis semialata
gu-munhmunh(any kind of) grass for making fire (with firestick), kindling
wirriyelaquatic weed
mu-gutjjungbig lily root
gu-bindiyayibindi-eye (Kriol loan)
mu-yawokbitter, cheeky yam cf. Jawoyn yawk, Ngalkbon yawok
mu-womblack plum 
mu-baltjja?black plum (syn. with mu-wom)
mu-garratjjiblack spinifex gum, used for medicine (boiled and then bogey)
mu-murrpbunhbroad-leafed Terminalia species
gu-birndaycane grass
mu-makgurrcold weather, middle of cold season
gu-giribacreeper sp., like baramulk, largurrja. ?Kriol, ‘yellawan’ (poss. a loan from ‘creeper’)
mu-yerrelcreeper, used for arm decorations, fishing. Lawyer vine. 
gu-bardiguluhE. Ferruginea (?)
mu-warlanhE. tectifica
mu-lawayEleocharis dulcis (sedge)
gu?-ngabakEucalyptus grandifolia
?-marrangarrfirestick tree?
mu-ngelhfreshwater mangrove 
mu-bernberrenyghost gum 
gu?-boromongrass (hill country spinifex?)
mu-boygrass species
jawelkgrass species
gu-darrawhgum tree species, hill country syn. with bernberreny (?Eucalyptus papuana)
?-barrjaraylarge paperbark species, found at Flying Fox Ck. light coloured
mu-dubalLeichhardt tree
mu-gurninyarra‘like Leichhardt tree but with a red fruit’ Poss. Ficus racemosa. Said to be syn. of mu-warnwarn
gu-ngalkngalklily species (Syn. jawhjawh)
mu-barnarrhmarble tree
mu-rokgaPandanus spiralis
gu-gotpaperbark (apparently generic, possible focus on papery bark rather than trees)
mu-bulpbulpaperbark sp.
gu-jirdakpaperbark cooliman
gu-mardu?paperbark species or cooliman
gu-bitjjurrkplat potato 
gu-galangarndahplat potato species
gu-jajakprob. fan palm
mu-jorrowhquinine bush  
gu-derreneh‘red apple’, Syzygium sp.
gu-ngolonggohriver red gum 
gu-largurrja?same as baramulk, ?loan from Marra
gu-majaburrgahSecurinega species
?-wirn.girrshitwood, for making bush pipes
mu-wartbarProbably Grevillea pteridifolia
mu-nyamnyam?sp. of lily
mu-boroh?sp. of lily, spring country
gu-barrakgarlhbamboo spear or tree species used for spear shafts. (Spec. blacksoil country, c.f. jukgul) Probably Sesbania cannabina
gu-ngatdumstick devoid of foliage
gu-wurraytall grass species
mu-warnwarnTerminalia grandiflora
gu-mirnitjjathick scrub, poss. Cathormion umbellatum
gu-birdipbirditi tree
mu-gulukgulunti tree (melaleuca sp.), small leaves, used for medicine, poss. Melaleuca acacioides
mu-jiliwirn?Capparis umbonata
mu-jorneTerminalia canescens
buyuh (or bujuh)tree sp. found growing at Flying Fox Ck. Used for woomeras, spears.
gu-gunungurktree with long leaves, has food for humans and animals
mu-linymanTriglochin procera
gu-wurrkunidentified grass species. Possibly just refers to ‘grass for burnoff’
mu-jilarraprob. Gutta percha: Excaecaria parvifolia, same name in Ngandi, Ritharrngu
mu-bulpbulvar. of Melaleuca leucadendron
?-durrguvery large paperbark sp. (found at Flying Fox Ck.)
gu-lungurrwaVigna vexillata
mu-birlalwaterlily leaf
mu-jatdamwaterlily species
gu-/mu-bilabilawattle tree, has yellow flower (at Flying Fox creek)
mu-balarrawattle tree, yellow flowers
mu-borogorrh‘whistling tree’ Casuarina or Allocasuarina sp.
mu-gurrurwild ‘bush’ species of lily root (green flower) , possibly Nymphaea violacea
gu-morrortdinhMerlan: wild cassava, my informants: wild banana Leichhardtia australis
gu-jiwurru‘wild cassava’
gu-baramulk?wild cucumber, lives along the river ‘redwan’. Poss. baramurrk
gu-gayabam‘wild orange’ ?Capparis umbonata
mu-ngambirnhngambirnhwild potato  species
mu-jimit(?woolybark) ?Planchonella spp.
jarrwirliwirli(woolybark?) yellow tree with red flowers
mu-yorndoyam sp. long